What causes bruises and dark circles around the eyes? What are their solutions?

What causes bruises and dark circles around the eyes? What are their solutions?

There are several possible causes of dark circles and bruises:

Lack of sleep: Insufficient sleep can reduce blood circulation in the skin around the eyes, leading to bruising and dark circles.

Genetic factors: In some people, bruises and dark circles around the eyes may be genetically determined.

Ageing: With the aging process, the skin becomes thinner, collagen production decreases, which can lead to dark circles and bruises around the eyes.

Stress and fatigue: When you are stressed or tired, blood circulation around the eyes may decrease, which can lead to the appearance of bruises and dark circles.

Poor eating habits: An unbalanced diet, insufficient water consumption and nutrient deficiencies can also contribute to skin problems around the eyes.

What is the solution?

It is possible to reduce bruises and dark circles around the eyes with skin care applications. Moisturising the skin using moisturising eye creams, increasing blood circulation with cold compresses, using eye serums and creams specially formulated for the eye area, regular eye massage and using sunscreen products can be effective in this regard. Especially the caffeine content will be very good for this problem. Mia Klinika eye contour serum will offer an effective result with its content list. With regular use, the eye area will have a brighter appearance. In addition, adopting healthy eating habits and getting enough sleep can also positively affect the health of the skin around the eyes.