IMPORTANT NOTE: Applications must belong to the person personally. Spouse, relative, child, etc. Application cannot be made on your behalf. If Monami Kozmetik suspects the identity of the applicant, it may request verification information from the person. If the information regarding your requests submitted within the scope of the form is not accurate and up-to-date or an unauthorized application is made, Monami Kozmetik does not accept liability for requests resulting from such incorrect information or unauthorized application.


Please fill in the following information completely:

Name and Surname:

T.R. Identity Number:


Mobile Phone:

E-Mail Address:

Your Relationship with the Company: Visitor/Customer/ Employee/Other/Employee candidate/Supplier/Customer Employee/Supplier Employee

Has Your Relationship with the Company Ended?


Please mark your request or requests regarding personal data from the list below.

I want to know whether my personal data is being processed.

If my personal data has been processed, I want to get information about it.

I want to learn the purpose of processing my personal data and get information about whether this data is used for its purpose.

I want to know the third parties to whom my personal data is transferred at home or abroad.

If my personal data is incomplete or incorrectly processed, I want it to be corrected.

The reasons requiring the processing of my personal data are eliminated. If it is removed, I want it to be deleted or destroyed.

I want the correction process to be notified to the third parties to whom my personal data has been transferred. p>I believe that my personal data has been analyzed exclusively through automatic systems and that a result has emerged against me as a result of this analysis, and I object to this result.

I request compensation for the damage I have suffered due to the unlawful processing of my personal data.

3. If you think you need additional information based on the marking you made in the list above, please use the free text field below.

Indicate the documents that form the basis of your application, if any:





In line with the above-mentioned requests, I would like to request that my application to Monami Kozmetik be evaluated and informed. I declare and undertake that the documents and information I have provided to you in this application are correct, up-to-date and belong to me. I hereby consent to the processing of the information and documents I have provided in the application form by Monami Kozmetik, limited to the purposes of evaluating and responding to my application, delivering my application, and determining my identity and address.

The application is processed by Monami Kozmetik. I would like to receive an answer in one of the ways listed below:

I request that the answer be sent to the address I specified in the Application Form.

I request that the answer be sent to the e-mail address I specified in the Application Form. (We will be able to respond to you faster if you choose the e-mail method.)

I would like to receive it by hand. (In case of receipt by proxy, a notarized power of attorney or a notarized authorization document is required. The person's relatives, such as his/her spouse or father, are never informed.)

Name and Surname of the Relevant Person Making the Applicant (Personal Data Owner):

Application Date and Signature: